1.不算模板的答辩演讲模板 可自行添加自己的内容我的PPT一共10页(包括封面和致谢)答辩PPT尽量控制在10页以内-


开场白介绍Good morning/ afternoon, distinguished teachers.My name is xxx,my supervisor is xxx.The title of my paper is xxxx.

Objective and Significance of Research

At the begining, I would like to introduce the objective and significance of my research.

Current situation of Research

Next,let's take a look at the current situation of research.1.Abroad For the study abroad,....2.At home For the study at home,...

Contents of Research

Next,the content of my research.My main research content has the following xxx parts. First,xxx. Second,xxx.

Framework of Research

Then, let me introduce you the framework of my reseaech.I divided it into xxx parts.根据你的实际情况分析你的框架 这一部分我是用了三页PPT 记住 一页PPT上的内容不能太多 要有留白

Conclusion of Research

Through the whole research,I got the following summaries.First,Second,


That's all. Thanks for your listening, appreciate for all your comments and criticism.-就酱#毕业生答辩# #论文季# #大学生#